Can I Collect Alimony In Colorado?


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In Colorado, alimony is referred to as spousal maintenance and is common.

Basic Alimony Facts

Alimony can be temporary (during the divorce proceedings) or ongoing (for a set number of months after the divorce). There are guidelines in Colorado Statutes as to what kinds, how much, and for how long alimony should be awarded.

Unlike child support, the courts may not necessarily adhere strictly to spousal maintenance guidelines. Temporary alimony can be awarded while a divorce is ongoing if one spouse has financial need and the other spouse can pay.

Since Colorado is a no-fault state, awards of alimony are affected by financial factors; including need and ability to pay, relative incomes, relative expenses, and abilities to earn, but not affected by factors like infidelity or abuse.

How much alimony will I get?

The amount of ongoing spousal maintenance under the guidelines is equal to 40% of the higher income party’s monthly adjusted gross income less 50% of the lower income party’s monthly adjusted gross income; except that, the person receiving alimony gets capped at 40% of the parties’ combined monthly adjusted gross income.

If your combined annual adjusted gross income is $240,000 or higher, the calculation is conducted a bit differently.

Ongoing Maintenance

For ongoing spousal maintenance, the marriage must have lasted for three years or more and the courts normally use statutory guidelines to determine the amount.

Marriages of twenty years or more can result in awards in terms of years or an indefinite amount of time.

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“Had a great experience with Daugherty Law. Professional, always available and quick to respond to any of my questions and/or concerns regarding my child custody case. Mary is trustworthy and honest. She made sure to tell me up front or give me an idea of what outcome to expect, and any way she could cut out unneeded expenses that didn’t benefit my case. I was very happy, and felt confident being represented by Mary. She’s very knowledgeable, organized, helpful and attentive to her client’s needs.” – Teresa Rodriguez


Colorado Springs Divorce Attorney Mary Daugherty offers low-cost divorce if you and your spouse are in basic agreement with the terms of a Colorado divorce I can save you a LOT of money! Give me a call to see if a low-cost divorce is right for you!

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