Colorado Springs Same Sex Divorce Attorney

Regardless of sexual orientation, married couples face the same challenges that can affect any committed relationship – including divorce.

same sex divorce attorney​Same Sex Divorce Attorney

Lesbian and gay couples often encounter many of the same relationship problems that crop up in heterosexual marriages. Unfortunately, when serious domestic problems arise, it seems that divorce is the inevitable solution adopted by an almost identical percentage of married couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

Some of these challenges include:

  • What if a couple had been living together for a number of years before the marriage was considered legal?
  • Can common law marriage apply to couples married before 2014?
  • What if a couple got married before 2014 in a different state and then lived in Colorado for a period of time before the marriage was recognized by the state of Colorado?

In addition, it is important for couples to know whether they have a common-law marriage or have been engaged in behaviors that could be recognized as being common law married.

Similar Issues For All Married Couples

All married couples face the same potential issues that may arise when getting divorced such as property divisionchild support, and spousal support. An experienced divorce attorney in Colorado Springs can help couples sort through these complicated issues.

The relative newness of  state-sanctioned same-sex marriage is reflected equally in a lack of divorce statistics as well as case law. This means that for same-sex couples seeking a divorce, certain unknowns exist and there are few legal precedents to predict any obvious outcomes.

Although common issues like the division of financial assets are based on many years of case history including the universal nature of the property in question, not everything in same-sex divorce cases is comparable.

If you are seeking a divorce from a same-sex partner, you are required to go through the normal divorce proceedings in Colorado. Some couples seek to obtain an uncontested divorce, however, couples often have different ideas about pertinent issues such as how the marital property should be divided, maintenance issues, or more complex issues like how the marital home or business should be divided.

We Understand The Complexities Of All Divorce

Colorado same-sex divorce attorneys understand the complex nature of divorce proceedings between same-sex couples. Mary Daugherty provides experienced and compassionate legal representation for lesbian, gay, and transgender clients during divorce proceedings and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding divorce issues in same-sex marriages such as:

  • Division of Property
  • Distribution of Assets
  • Spousal Maintenance also known as Alimony
  • Which spouse is allowed to retain ownership of the marital home
  • Who will be liable for the payment of mortgage expenses during the divorce proceedings
  • Separation of cohabiting partners who did not obtain a civil union
  • Child custody and support if applicable
  • Payment of legal fees

Whether you are seeking a same-sex divorce or need any other type of legal representation in a family law matter in and around Colorado Springs, our highly experienced attorney, Mary Daugherty, can assist you. We recognize that each divorce case is unique and our attorneys will tailor a representation to suit your needs and particular requirements.


Colorado Springs Divorce Attorney Mary Daugherty offers low-cost divorce if you and your spouse are in basic agreement with the terms of a Colorado divorce I can save you a LOT of money! Give me a call to see if a low-cost divorce is right for you!

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I was very fortunate to have Mary as my attorney. Court is a hard enough place to be. Not only did Mary give me a 100% she also listened to me and that was important. Had a great out come. Thank you!

Carrie Bireland