Divorce FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the process for a divorce in Colorado?

Generally, you file a petition and then have your spouse served. You will likely go to an initial status conference to introduce you and your spouse to the process. Your case may go to court for a temporary orders hearing to address things like child support, temporary alimony, and parenting time while the case is ongoing.

Most cases will go to mediation and outstanding issues will be resolved in a final court hearing.

How long does a divorce take?

A typical divorce can last six months to a year and a half, depending on the number of issues at play and whether the parties are able to make agreements on those issues. At minimum, state law requires that 91 days pass after the party is served before a final order can be issued.

What is mediation?

In mediation, both parties and their attorneys meet with a mediator who aids them in coming to agreement on the many issues in their divorce including alimony, child support or property and debt.

The mediator is not supposed to take sides, but provides perspective to both parties in order to help them find common ground. Most issues can be resolved in mediation, but when they are not, the parties take the issues before a judge in court.

Do you offer free consultations?

No, the issues we discuss in preparing for a divorce are too important to leave to chance. They require that your attorney has knowledge of the legal system, ideas for the best strategy for your divorce, understanding of timelines, and the ability to help you set realistic goals.

We charge $105 for a 30-minute initial consultation and an hourly rate thereafter.

Or, a better choice might be our Low Cost Divorce kit – check it out HERE!

You’ll find that you leave your consultation with a solid understanding and plan for your case, which, along with the peace of mind you’ll have, is well worth the investment.

*Disclaimer: None of the above questions or statements are or are meant to constitute legal advice.*

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