Divorce/Custody Attorney Blog

Relationship Advice from a Divorce Attorney

Here is some relationship advice from a divorce attorney. I have seen many couples end their marriages and there are some common themes that I have picked up on. The most common one is the lack of good communication. I wanted to share an easy way to communicate about...

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How to Save Money When Hiring an Attorney

When hiring an attorney to handle your divorce or custody issues, here are a few tips you can use to help you pinch your pennies. Remember that sometimes, “you get what you pay for,” so make sure you are paying for the quality of attorney you want! Here are my four...

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What to Expect in a Colorado Divorce

What to Expect in a Colorado Divorce

What To Expect In A Colorado DivorceEvery person is unique and so are the factors that are significant to him/her if the need to dissolve marriage arises. Since dissolving one's marriage affects almost every aspect of a person's life, I find that as a divorce attorney...

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3 Lessons from a Divorce Attorney in Colorado Springs

Divorce Attorney in Colorado Springs In the past year and a half, I moved myself and my career as an attorney from Orlando, Florida to Colorado Springs, Colorado and began my practice taking on divorce and family law cases. In that short time, I have learned a lot...

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Can I Collect Alimony In Colorado?

Can I Collect Alimony In Colorado?Contact Mary Daugherty Now! In Colorado, alimony is referred to as spousal maintenance and is common. Basic Alimony Facts Alimony can be temporary (during the divorce proceedings) or ongoing (for a set number of months after the...

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Colorado Springs Divorce Attorney Mary Daugherty offers low-cost divorce if you and your spouse are in basic agreement with the terms of a Colorado divorce I can save you a LOT of money! Give me a call to see if a low-cost divorce is right for you!

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*No part of the information on this page is intended to constitute legal advice.